Out-of-State Student Information



  • 你在学期澳门英皇赌城在线前没有在加州居住一年零一天, even though you are a U.S. citizen or legal immigrant.
  • 您在加州以外的州登记并投票.
  • 你在加州以外的州申请过离婚.
  • 你曾以该州居民的身份在州外的教育机构就读.
  • 您已申报非居住在加利福尼亚州所得税.
  • 你已被批准作为国际学生入学.
  • 您持临时签证/非移民身份在美国.

证明学生在加州的实际存在和建立居住的意图的举证责任在于学生. 学生必须根据加州教育法典68040提供证据. Contact the Admissions & Records Office for additional information regarding residency.


Budget Components

With Parents, Without Dependents

All Others

Food and Housing



Miscellaneous Personal Expenses









Books, Course Materials, Supplies, and Equipment









Non-California Residents should be aware that:

Ventura College does not have campus housing. 财政援助办公室不参与填写公寓租赁表格, 收集资金和/或告诉潜在的学生住在哪里. 新生及其家庭有责任为自己安排住房.

加州不为非加州居民提供经济援助. To help offset any of the costs, 学生应该通过填写FAFSA申请联邦财政援助 www.fafsa.gov.  根据学生的资格,最高联邦财政援助可以包括以下内容:

  1. Federal Pell Grant -根据资格,每年最高740至7,395美元.
  2. Federal Direct Loans – Up to $5,500.00 in Federal Direct Loans for 1st-year students and up to $6,500.00 for 2nd-year students.

Parents of dependent students can apply for a Direct PLUS loan 以抵消学生自己的助学金和/或贷款未涵盖的费用. The Direct PLUS loan is credit based so not all parents will qualify. 对于不符合条件的家长,他们的学生可能有资格获得增加的直接无补贴贷款.

  1. Federal Work Study (FWS) 勤工俭学资金是有限的,奖励是基于资金的资格和可用性. 在你被考虑勤工俭学之前,FASFA必须由学校填写并批准.  优先考虑继续勤工俭学的学生.

每个获得经济援助的学生都需要在他们的MyVCCCD门户网站上查看他们的经济援助条款和条件.  接受条款和条件的学生承认将支付给他们的任何经济援助(联邦佩尔助学金), FSEOG, 资助/非资助学生贷款)将直接应用于其帐户上的任何未付费用.  After a student’s balance has been paid, 任何剩余的经济援助将通过奖学金发放给学生 BankMobile Disbursements refund process.  As a result, 所有的学生,特别是那些费用高的学生,都应该计划好自己的财务和预算,在没有经济援助的情况下支持自己度过每学期的澳门英皇赌城在线.    

Financial Aid Disbursement:

Example 1:

特雷弗是一名外州学生,他在澳门皇家赌城在线秋季学期注册了12个单元. Trevor’s current fees are:

Enrollment Fee- $552 ($46 per unit)
Out-of-State tuition- $3,324 ($277 per unit)
Non-California Resident Capital Outlay Fee- $156 ($13 per unit)
Health Fee- $21
Student Center Fee- $10
Student Representation Fee- $2
Total for Semester- $4,065

特雷弗在秋季学期获得了2,888美元的联邦佩尔助学金. Based on financial aid attending hours, all 12 units of Steve’s Fall enrollment. Therefore:

Trevor’s first disbursement is $1,444.


            Anticipated Financial Aid                  (1,444)

            Remaining Balance                          $2,621

Trevor’s second disbursement is $1,444.

            Outstanding Balance                        $2,621

            Anticipated Financial Aid                  (1,444)

            Remaining Balance                            $1,177

根据这个例子,特雷弗仍然欠1177美元. He is not entitled to a refund because of this remaining balance. If this balance is not paid, 特雷弗的VCCCD账户将被冻结,他将无法在未来的学期注册. Trevor may also choose to apply for a Federal Direct Student Loan 如果他有资格的话,支付剩余的余额. For additional fee information, please click here.

Example 2:

维罗妮卡是一名外州学生,她已经注册了15个单元 Ventura College for the fall semester. Veronica’s current fees are:

Enrollment Fee- $690 ($46 per unit)
Out-of-State tuition- $4,155 ($277 per unit)
Non-California Resident Capital Outlay Fee- $195 ($13 per unit)
Health Fee- $21
Student Center Fee- $10
Student Representation Fee- $2
Total for Semester- $5,073

Veronica was awarded a Federal Pell Grant of $3,098美元的学费和2美元的联邦直接贷款,250. Based on financial aid attending hours, all 15 units of Veronica’s Fall enrollment. Therefore:

Veronica的第一笔付款是1549美元(佩尔)+ 2250美元(贷款)= 3799美元



            Remaining Balance                          $1,274

Veronica’s second disbursement is $1,548 (Pell)


            Anticipated Financial Aid                  (1,548)

            Remaining Balance                            -$274

根据这个例子,Veronica将收到退款 $274. 

BankMobile Disbursements Information:

澳门皇家赌城在线县社区学院区(VCCCD)提供您的退款与银行移动支付, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc.  Visit this link for more information: http://bankmobiledisbursements.com/refundchoices/  

查看我们的第三方服务合同进行退款管理, view the contract online.

*BMTX, Inc. uses the word “refund”. Financial Aid uses the word “disbursement.“无论哪种情况,这都是学生应得的经济援助.

Paying Fees:

VCCCD offers a payment plan 这样你就有机会在每个学期中按月无息付款了吗. 该计划包括象征性的15美元不可退还的注册费.

Student Loan Information:
